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爱 ♥ S.H.E

Friday, January 1, 2010
2010 new year

wooooooyah.........................finally is the new year time for 2010...

everything is start a new term so those are bad thing from last year we must forget it...

let restart new life in 2010...

i will stop here..

last but not list...

wish all of u have a happy new year...

take care...

2010 new year

Friday, December 18, 2009
interview and result

post for yesterday n today

yesterday i went for interview wif my bro exgirlfriend i was so scard ..
the job is sell shoes which is bata shop...
i need to call the uncle at 26/12/2009
i hope i can do this job...or i can go out find job with christina
tt's all for yesterday..

today i see my 'N' level result i was so sad...
feeling like wan to cry...
i think i will stop for my study and finding a job to do...
anw i have tried my best to do the exam...

last but not list those are waiting for the ITE result....
wish u all the best and pass wif the flying colours.....

i will stop here le....
next time than post ba...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

hi all long time nv post le.....
yesterday i want to the malaysia around 9am we sit the bus go to malaysia
together have 26 people sit the car
my mum and my grandmother sit the other uncle car
on tt day my father having a talk about cancer.....
we go to my father clince
we having our lunch at 12.30pm at KDR
after tt we continue the talk at 2pm until 3+
after the talk we having a tea break......
so i follow my father tt side
the rest of them went to shopping etc...
they shop until 5.30pm than they go for the dinner
after tt we went back to singapore having our dinner
after the dinner we home sweet home
the rest of them did not reach singapore yat
they reach singapore around 9.30pm
i will stop here le.............
next time than post ba.......

Monday, June 22, 2009

yesterday mao yan, chew hui and mii
we meet at clementi at 10.20am
after that we go kbox
when we reach there the k box haven open
so that we went down for walk
around 10.58am we go to kbox
we started to sing is at 11.00am
we have order some of drink and some of food
we sang alot of S.H.E songs some is fei lun hai song
we sing very happy n funny
we end up at 2.00pm
i hope we can go again and i hope xiao hui can join us too
i will stop here le
next time than blog ba...
cyas.........take care

Monday, June 8, 2009
Be aware of this insect

A warning from National Environment Agency:

Have you come across this insect?
Pls be very careful with this particular insect.
It seems to be attacking quite a number of people these days
It is quite poisonous too.

- Consult a doctor immediately as if not the infection will spread very fast.

- I! f you touch the wound, you must quickly wash your hands or else it
will spread to the next place you touch.

- This insect does not sting or bite. It is its urine that is extremely acidic which causes the infection.

There is a big scar on his hand. When he went to see a doctor, that articular doctor too had a scar and it was also caused by this same insect. This also came out in the chinese newspaper. For those of you who have children please ask them to be careful and tell them about this so that they are aware of this insect

National Environment Agency

DID +65 66688112
Fax +65 68617160

this picture is my fren sent this maill to me
i think this mail i put at the blog let u all c is quite

i will stop here next time than blog ba
take care everyone

Thursday, February 19, 2009

hi everyone i have been long nv post..........

yesterday afternoon my gandmother was having a tu zi pain..............
i was very scard and cry at home
after tt my mother come back from work
call the ambulance to bring to SGH 
after we reach there is already 3pm.....my mother go n call my bro...
my mother n my bro and i was waiting and waiting at the hospital...
after tt around 7pm my mother and i go n eat dinner....
after we ate finish the dinner we went back to find my bro
after the doctor said tt my grandmother the lever gt problem
so we are waiting the room for my grandmother but there's no room for her
we stay at hospital until 10pm than we go home.......
we reach home already around 10.45pm...
she well stay there for ......i dono for how many days...
i will stop here....
i hope she will gt well soon
next time than post ba...
take care

sorry tt yeaterday called for me i did listen it 
i'm here to say to u all "sorry"